
Friday, December 21, 2012

Tis the Season to Sparkle

So yeah this blogging thing has been as Jess likes to say an "epic fail" this year.  I would say that 2013 is going to be different, but knowing us, we will be all gung-ho in January and then fall of the face of blogland once again by March, so no promises.  The good news is we each finally invested in a "real" camera.  The Cannon Rebel t3i, so maybe just maybe we will want to share our photos on our blog and this thing will really take off for us.

Since it's still 2012 and the world hasn't ended yet (though it's Dec. 21 at 9pm so we still have 3 hours left to see what goes down) I thought I'd give you one more post before the new year.

I found these stamps at Lindsay Letter's and I just had to have one, so i ordered the "Tis the Season to Sparkle" stamp. 

I was like Ralphie from a Christmas Story waiting for his Little Orphan Annie decoder pen, checking the mail daily waiting in anticipation for the stamp to arrive. Unlike Ralphie I was not disappointed! I love my stamp and I can't wait to order more!  My stamp made holiday gift giving and my Christmas cards so much fun. Here are a few things I did with the stamp with just a little extra help from some glitter glue. 
Note cards I gifted to my co-workers

Envelope for the note cards
My Christmas card envelopes
Brown lunch bags turned cute little gift bags
Sparkle Sparkle!

Next on my list are the other two holiday stamps.  I can't wait to see what they inspire me to create next year!
Happy Holidays!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

As Nike almost says - Just Do It...Yourself!

Do It Yourself most commonly known as DIY seems to be all the rage these days, what with the economy and easy accessible ideas on pinterest, who could resist the idea of just doing it yourself?  I know the DIY bug has bit me and  I've been crafting all over the place.  My favorite project that I completed recently are my new chalkboard vase and candles.  I like them because I can mix up the decor by simply changing the writing! Plus they were so easy to do (and I thought of them all on my own, no pinterest needed!).  Here is what you need:

(1) Pack of stencils.  I purchased the Martha Stewart adhesive stencils from Michaels.  I used a 40% off coupon and scored them for around $6.

(1) Tube of multi-purpose chalkboard paint.  I used Martha Stewart paint again b/c it was on sale at Michaels and I had a coupon.  $2.50/tube!

(1) Sponge brush or a roller brush

Your  favorite glass candles, vases or really anything you feel like stenciling!


Paper plate or aluminum foil.

Step 1 - Select the stencil you want to use
Step 2 - Apply the stencil to your candle or vase. This step can take sometime b/c you want to line it up straight (or as straight as you can, it doesn't have to be perfect no one will notice :) ) Note: I used bath and body works 3 wick candles. For the "Glow" candle I just peeled away the label.  For the "Light My Fire candle" I actually skipped the stencil and just painted over the label!  
Step 3 - Squeeze a little bit (nickle size amount) of paint onto your paper plate or aluminum foil
Step 4 - Paint over the stencil.
Step 5 - Write your fun message with your chalk
Step 6 - Sit back and listen to all the wonderful compliments from your friends and family on how cute they are!
Step 7 - Change your message whenever you want! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fall Into My Closet!

Fall is the time of year for all things new.  New football season (Go Bucks!), new season of your favorite television programs, and best of all a new back to school wardrobe.  What's that? You don't go to school?  Well neither do I, but I can't resist the urge to go back to school shopping.  Growing up in a small town where the nearest shopping mall was 2 hours away in a different state, my sister and I only got new clothes a few times a year.  On Christmas, our birthdays and every August when we would go back to school shopping.  Those shopping trips still provide some of my favorite memories.  One of my fondest memories is from the year Jess and I had similar haircuts making us look even more similar than usual.  We walked into a store and the sales lady asked "Twins?".  When we said no she follwed up with her next logical guess "Cousins?"  We both simutaneoulsy answered "Ummm sisters."  We still laugh about this today.  My fond memories of our back to school shopping trips are the reason why I have urges to shop, shop, shop when fall rolls around. Today's post is all about the fall fashion trends I am coveting for this season.  For all the looks of the season, just pick up the September issue of your favorite fashion magazine.  It will be as thick as War and Peace and filled cover-to-cover with fashion ideas. : )


I've always been a fan of this style.  It's classic and chic.  What I'm seeing this year, as a new fun twist on the style, are lots of sweaters, dresses and scarfs with horse prints. 

Lulu 'Horse' Print Scarf

Lulu 'Horse' Print Scarf -

ZB5187 - Vintage Re-Issue Flap
Vintage Re-Issue Flap-

Rogerr by Steve Madden -

Oxblood Red

Loving this color.  It just feels like fall! I like it best in small amounts. 

Oxblood Threadbare Bracelet -

Kelly Pointed Wedge -


I am loving all of the polka dot sweaters and I really love this trend on the bottoms too!

Collection cashmere polka-dot sweater
Cashmere polka-dot sweater -

Café capri in silky dot
Cafe capri in silky dot -

Novelty Sweater  

These are just so fun and cute for casual Friday and weekend shopping.                          

French hen sweater
French Hen Sweater -

Longline Big Heart Sweater -

What are some of your favorite fall must haves for your wardrobe?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Etsy Gimmies

Hi Everyone!  

Hope you are enjoying the short work week. Only three more days till the weekend. Woo-hoo! To help pass the time, check out some of my latest Gimmies from Etsy.

Perfect weekend bag.

You can never have too many clutches.

I've been dying to get this little cutie for Wrenn since before she was born. 

Seriously, in LOVE with this print. 

I'm pretty sure I need this little guy to watch over my jewelry on top of my dresser.

A super fun gorilla stamp? Yes, please!

Happy Wednesday!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Try It Out Tuesday - Fall Wreath

Fall - It's the most wonderful time of the year.  You may associate that phrase with Christmas,  but every year when fall rolls around, I can't help but think that it's not Christmas, but the entire Fall season that is the most wonderful time of they year.  I've always been torn between which season I like the most.  I even found a diary I kept when I was around 12 and one of my entries was all about the seasons and how I just couldn't pick just one to be my favorite. I even tried to select my favorite by doing a pro/con list.  The pros went something like this; Spring -  it's the season of my birthday and warmer weather; Summer -  we get to go to the beach and no school! Winter - Christmas (nuff said) and then under Fall next to Halloween, was a legitimate reason to love the season -  "it gives me a warm feeling inside".  Cheeso I know, but isn't it true? Doesn't the idea of curling up inside watching  the leaves drift silently to the ground covering it with a blanket made of gold and red, while sipping a warm cider or cocoa drink just give you a cozy feeling all over?  Now that I'm older I do still believe all the seasons have their pros and cons, but I think Fall has more pros than any other season. So after all of these years I think I can safely say that Fall is my favorite season (well at least until Summer roles back around :) ).  As a tribute to my favorite season I am going to dedicate the next couple of posts to this deserving time of the year. 

I love to transition my home from summer to fall by making just a few minor changes in the decor.  The one thing I have been missing though is a nice fall wreath.  I just could never find one that I thought was worth the $$$ price tag.  I was feeling crafty this weekend and decided to take matters into my own hands.  Pulling inspiration from the below image I saw on Pinterest I headed off to Michaels to snatch up some hydrangea flowers.

After spending a good hour in the store selecting the right color combination, I loaded up my cart with my 40% off flowers and checked out with my 15% off total purchase coupon.  $24 total for 8 blooms! Then I headed over to Wal-Mart for the wood twine wreath that broke my bank at $3.50.  One last stop at the Dollar tree for a $1 wire cutter and I was all set.  If you click on the link above you will notice that she doesn't give any instructions and there is a reason for that.  It's so easy even I figured it out :)  All you need to do is cut the stems of the flowers down short enough that you can stick them into the wreath.  The different branches of the wreath are tight enough that the flowers just stay.  I have a screen door so my wreath will not have to deal with the weather, but if you do not have a screen door you may want to consider using a hot glue gun to secure the flowers a little better.

Here is my final product (my screen door has already smooshed it a bit). 

I ended up only using 6 of the blooms I bought so I popped the other two into a bark vase I have in front of my fireplace to add a little Fall to the living room.

Total cost of the project minus the two extra blooms was right around $20 and that included the wire cutter!

Final verdict - super easy and well worth the time and money.  I hope you try your own!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Try It Out Tuesday - ABsolutely Awful

Happy Tuesday!  Here's what you may not know about me, I'm a complainer.  I complain daily about how I look, my wardrobe, my job, my diet, my house, you name it and I probably have something negative to say, but the good news is I'm also pretty funny!  Here's what else you may not know about me.  I hate that I complain (see there I go again, complaining!) and that I rarely have the motivation to make a change.  #1 on my list of things to complain about is my after twins baby belly.  So in my efforts to actually make a change and follow through I am going to do the 300/30 challenge. Bascially you do 300 ab reps everyday for 30 days, you can check out the program here:

I just completed day one of the challenge and when I say challenge I mean torture.  It is very hard to do especially if you are a beginner like me.   I  had to modify a few of the excersises because I couldn't do them correctly and I have learned that it's better to modify and keep good form.  You feel the burn on the first exercise and it just keeps burning.  I'm sure I will be crazy sore tomorrow, but hopefully can still do the exercises agian.  The cool thing is that my legs also got a bit of a workout because your legs do a lot of work as well.

Wish me luck!!  I'll post pictures at the end, but only if I see results!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Epic Fail and Crazy Twisterism

Dear Avid Readers,

Jess and I have failed you.  We have not posted anything new for 1 month and 18 days. The good news is we now have one month and 18 days of living to write about, so get ready for our come back.

On another note, Jess celebrated the 4th anniversary of her 30th birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday, Sistor! (yes, yes I know it's spelled sister, but that's what we call each other if we aren't saying twister). Today, though she was telling me how this year her birthday felt a little like a let down, minus the awesome gifts I got her of course.  I told her mine was totally lame this year too. She said something to the horror of "I guess that's what happens when you get older". I retorted this horrendous comment with a very logical explanation. Our 2012 birthdays were lame-o blame-o, because our birthdays fell on a Tuesday this year (no offense Tuesday, but you kinda are the lamest day of week). And then I thought hmmmm that's cool our birthdays were on the same day. Then I thought whoa, are they always on the same day!? So Jess and I investigated and our birthdays do always fall on the exact same day!!  We are 21 months and 13 days apart in age, but the day of the week is always the same day! But that's because we are twisters. Sisters who should have been twins! 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Try It Out Tuesday - Easy, Yummy, Chili Dip

Have you ever had a strong opinion about a certain food?  I'm what is known as an expressive communicator so I have a lot of strong opnions about everything, including food and particuarly cream cheese. "I hate cream cheese" has been heard by anyone who knows me at least once. But the honest truth is I don't really hate cream cheese, I just don't really like it unless it's strawberry flavored spread on a bagel or mixed/hidden with other flavors. The first time I ever realized I could actually enjoy cream cheese is when my Aunt made the most delicious party dip I've ever tasted.  I asked her for the recipe immediately, but I was in college at the time  and didn't really do a whole lot of cooking. It wasn't until years later that I actually made the recipe for a Saturday football get-together.  I finally "tried it out" and it was a hit!  It was gone almost as fast as I served it!  This dip is the easiest dip to make and will leave you and your guests wanting more!

1 Can of chili - I use Hormel with beans, but you can use your favorite or even your own homemade version
1 - 16oz bag of shredded cheese - I use the mexican blend
1 - box of cream cheese - I use the 1/3 less fat version

Step 1:
Spread the cream cheese over the bottom of a glass 8x8 baking dish

Step 2 and 3:
Layer the chili on top of the cream cheese and then sprinkle the bag of cheese over top of the chili.  The actual receipe calls for the full bag of cheese, but I tend to use about 1/2 - 3/4 of the cheese.

Step 4:
Pop the dish into the microwave for about 3 mins.  Serve hot with tortilla chips or corn chips.

Step 5:
Gobble it up before its all gone!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Eight and Nine Months Old

Eight Months Old

You’ve been busy growing up this month! You got your first tooth (bottom right) on April 15th and your second tooth (bottom left) on April 27th. You’ve started eating Cheerios and puffs and love feeding yourself. You can now hold your bottle on your own and have started drinking from a trainer sippy cup. You’ve been a rolling machine, like to push yourself up on your arms and giggle like crazy when your daddy whistles!

This month you had your very first Easter. You looked precious in your Easter dress! Even though you also had your very first cold, you were a total trooper. Your Easter basket was full of lots of fun goodies. Your favorites were a new toy remote control (which you love!), new books and decorative glitter eggs. You tried really hard to share your glitter eggs with Lucy. Such a sweet little girl!

Nine Months Old

This month, you’ve been a mover and a shaker! You simply will not stay still when we are changing your clothes or diapers. You love swinging at the park, rocking on your rocking horse and being tossed into the air. You went on your first trip to the Art Institute with daddy and had a great time. Dad said you were the star of the museum! You stopped by the Bean twice for a couple family photos and you got your very first swimming pool. You really like playing “This little piggy”, have been working hard on saying “meow” and love Star and Nina, Chica and Bubble Guppies (in small doses of course!). Bananas are quickly becoming one of your favorites and you liked yogurt and Goldfish from the get-go.

It was time for another pediatrician check-up this month. You weighed 19 lbs 12 oz putting you in the 60% for weight and you’re now 31” tall, which is still above the 95% for height. How in the world are you already 31”tall?! We had to move you out of your infant car seat and into your big girl convertible car seat. You love looking out the window of the car and chewing on the strap of your new seat. Silly goose!

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Stress of Coupon Shopping

Coupons, coupons, coupons.  I love a good coupon, but boy can they stress me out.  Those little expiration dates hidden among the fine print screaming "USE ME BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" add too much pressure!  This month was my birthday month, and we all know what that means - special birthday coupons!  Yay!  They of course expire at the end of the month. Boo!  Side note:  I personally think birthday coupons should be sent to all your friends and family with the disclaimer "you can only redeem this if you are shopping for Ginger" that way other people can spoil me and I don't have to spend $$$ because we all know it's a waste not to use them right? This year I did a pretty decent job using up all my sweet coupons without spending too much of my own money. 

Anthropologie 15% - check.

Victorias Secret - $10 off purchase - check (7 pair of undies for just $16 -holla!)

 Sephora - free birthday gift (FRESH Sugar Kisses Mini Lip Duo -amazing!)-check.
DSW - $5 coupon - wholly stress ball, but check! I had an additional $20 coupon (and a I would have gotten an additional $10 off with another coupon that expired on the 28th but I missed out - grrrrr, those pesky expiration dates strike again!) I looked and looked and looked for a pair of new shoes. I found a cute pair, but now after purchasing them, I realize that I still spent $37 and for me I probably would have just found a cheaper pair that only cost $25 had I not had the coupons.

I did miss out on my 15% coupon at World Market, which is a bummer b/c there is a cute doorstop I've got my eye on - I would have saved $1.94!
And if there is one thing I have learned growing up in the Beverage family, it's a "penny saved is a penny saved!" 

Alas, my birthday month is over and all my coupons are expired, so no more shopping.  Well at least until tomorrow, when I'm sure I'll get an email from Ann Taylor or Gap with "Today only 25% off entire purchase." I'm feeling stressed already!

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