
Friday, December 21, 2012

Tis the Season to Sparkle

So yeah this blogging thing has been as Jess likes to say an "epic fail" this year.  I would say that 2013 is going to be different, but knowing us, we will be all gung-ho in January and then fall of the face of blogland once again by March, so no promises.  The good news is we each finally invested in a "real" camera.  The Cannon Rebel t3i, so maybe just maybe we will want to share our photos on our blog and this thing will really take off for us.

Since it's still 2012 and the world hasn't ended yet (though it's Dec. 21 at 9pm so we still have 3 hours left to see what goes down) I thought I'd give you one more post before the new year.

I found these stamps at Lindsay Letter's and I just had to have one, so i ordered the "Tis the Season to Sparkle" stamp. 

I was like Ralphie from a Christmas Story waiting for his Little Orphan Annie decoder pen, checking the mail daily waiting in anticipation for the stamp to arrive. Unlike Ralphie I was not disappointed! I love my stamp and I can't wait to order more!  My stamp made holiday gift giving and my Christmas cards so much fun. Here are a few things I did with the stamp with just a little extra help from some glitter glue. 
Note cards I gifted to my co-workers

Envelope for the note cards
My Christmas card envelopes
Brown lunch bags turned cute little gift bags
Sparkle Sparkle!

Next on my list are the other two holiday stamps.  I can't wait to see what they inspire me to create next year!
Happy Holidays!

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