
Friday, September 7, 2012

Fall Into My Closet!

Fall is the time of year for all things new.  New football season (Go Bucks!), new season of your favorite television programs, and best of all a new back to school wardrobe.  What's that? You don't go to school?  Well neither do I, but I can't resist the urge to go back to school shopping.  Growing up in a small town where the nearest shopping mall was 2 hours away in a different state, my sister and I only got new clothes a few times a year.  On Christmas, our birthdays and every August when we would go back to school shopping.  Those shopping trips still provide some of my favorite memories.  One of my fondest memories is from the year Jess and I had similar haircuts making us look even more similar than usual.  We walked into a store and the sales lady asked "Twins?".  When we said no she follwed up with her next logical guess "Cousins?"  We both simutaneoulsy answered "Ummm sisters."  We still laugh about this today.  My fond memories of our back to school shopping trips are the reason why I have urges to shop, shop, shop when fall rolls around. Today's post is all about the fall fashion trends I am coveting for this season.  For all the looks of the season, just pick up the September issue of your favorite fashion magazine.  It will be as thick as War and Peace and filled cover-to-cover with fashion ideas. : )


I've always been a fan of this style.  It's classic and chic.  What I'm seeing this year, as a new fun twist on the style, are lots of sweaters, dresses and scarfs with horse prints. 

Lulu 'Horse' Print Scarf

Lulu 'Horse' Print Scarf -

ZB5187 - Vintage Re-Issue Flap
Vintage Re-Issue Flap-

Rogerr by Steve Madden -

Oxblood Red

Loving this color.  It just feels like fall! I like it best in small amounts. 

Oxblood Threadbare Bracelet -

Kelly Pointed Wedge -


I am loving all of the polka dot sweaters and I really love this trend on the bottoms too!

Collection cashmere polka-dot sweater
Cashmere polka-dot sweater -

Café capri in silky dot
Cafe capri in silky dot -

Novelty Sweater  

These are just so fun and cute for casual Friday and weekend shopping.                          

French hen sweater
French Hen Sweater -

Longline Big Heart Sweater -

What are some of your favorite fall must haves for your wardrobe?

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