
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Summer Travel Recap

You may have been wondering were I've been since it's been almost two months since my last blog post.  My summer is a little different than most others as it is my busy time at work when I clock numerous hours of overtime and spend way too much time away from my family.  Needless to say, not the most fun way to spend your summer.  Somehow in the mist of all the crazy work hours I was able to squeeze in a bit of fun.  Hattie and I took a road trip for a short, but fun filled girls weekend in Chicago visiting Jess and Wrenn.  One week later we were on the road again accompanied by little man Harper for an overnight stay in WV to visit some old high school friends.  Hattie and Harper had a blast spending the night at great grandma's house.  Shortly after, it was off to Seattle for my first work trip of the summer followed immediately by a trip to Traverse City, MI as I played the role of bridesmaid for one of my good friends.  The picturesque wedding took place in a beautiful MI vineyard.  As I write this,  I'm gearing up for my second and final work event and praying for an Indian summer so I can maybe enjoy our brand new patio (pictures to come soon!) before the cold weather seasons set in.   I hope your summer was a bit more relaxing than mine, but the one thing that I have learned through all the hustle and bustle that comes with my summer work schedule is that no matter where my travels take me, my heart is always at home with my family.

Lots of love,

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