
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Case of the "Gimmies"

It's never ending... I have a constant case of the gimmies. Every month, week, day I find new things I want. It's not a case of the green-eyed monster or trying to keep up with the Jones', it's simply I LOVE to shop and I LOVE new things. I've often wondered how quickly I could spend a million dollars. Here are some of my latest "needs"...

Gold Dipped Bar Bracelet


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christmas 2012

If you have a sibling I'm sure you understand there are times when you envy something about them.  There are lots of stuff I envy about my sister, but there is one thing I currently envy that is right up there on the same level as how much I envy her long thick hair (I have hair that never wants to grow and is so baby fine and thin UGH!).  What could possible cause such deep jealousy?  Well it's her beautiful notes she has taken for her little baby girl Wrenn.  I wish I had thought to do the same thing for Hattie and Harper, but I struggle holding everything together with working full-time and managing the babies, who by the way are the worst daytime nappers in the history of all babies.  Of course, my sister works full time as well and still manages to keep her notes, so I'm not really sure if my previous statement is reason enough. I guess you can just say that's one of the things I envy most about my sister, she has these great ideas especially when it comes to her daughter.  So, unfortunately my Hattie and Harper page will mostly consist of pictures and all the continued craziness to come! 

Here are a few fun pictures from Christmas. As you can see my children are what one might call out of control, while Wrenn is the calmest baby ever. Funny back story about this photo. We were getting the babies dressed to take a few snapshots and my sister says "Wrenn is getting a little fussy, so I'm not sure if we are going to be able to do this now" HA - Wrenn sat there in every picture sweet as can be, while as you can see my children were all over the place! It makes me laugh to think that Wrenn would ever be the reason we couldn't get a good shot. Enjoy!

Yes, I'm pretty sure Harper was biting Hattie's dress

I'm pretty sure Hattie was giving me a warning "Mom if you take that picture I swear!"

As you can tell, we never did get all three of them to sit still for one good shot. Oh well, these might be more fun anyway.

Posted: January 29, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Girly Garden Baby Shower

Theme: Girly Garden Baby Shower

Here are a few photos from my sister's baby shower I hosted in June. It was a perfect day for a garden party!

Drink and candy buffet

We carved a bassinet shape for the watermelon.

I made a bouquet of onesies and a garden themed diaper cake. I used a box covered with a swaddle blanket for the base. Each layer of diapers is a different size and brand starting with the largest size on the bottom and finishing with the smallest size as the cupcakes on the top layer. The bottom two layers are wrapped in swaddle blankets.

My mom made yummy chocolate covered pretzels.

I made signs for the drinks - Ready to Party (spiked)

Ready to Pop (non-alcoholic drink)

I created a book of the alphabet and had each guest take a letter and draw a picture to represnt that letter. It was super entertaining to see what people came up with for the letters. Jessica later laminated the pages and made a book for Wrenn. For a free template of the pages I made click here: ABC BOOK
PS. The letters are out of order so don't be suprised when it goes from A to C


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Don't Call It A Come Back

This is a little delayed, but if you're a mother or just a person (for my sister's sake I hope aliens are not reading this!) you understand how time can get away from you, but nonetheless - HAPPY NEW YEAR!  It's the year 2012 and my sister, Jessica and I have finally decided to get on board with this blogging thing....but don't call it a come back.  Do call it a goal of ours, since 2001, finally coming to fruition. Why after all this time did we finally make the leap into the great blog-sphere? Well, 2011 was pretty amazing for both of us. On February 13, 2011, I gave birth to girl/boy twins - Hattie Loraine and Harper Joseph (yes, Harper is a boy even though the name has blown up the charts for girls - sorry little man!) and just shy of 6 months later on August 3, 2011, Jessica gave birth to her sweet angel, Wrenn Elizabeth.  For those of you that have children, you know they make you want to do more, clean your house, cook dinner and complete those goals you keep sweeping under the rug.  So here we are two sisters writing a blog because of our children, for our children and for you.  We aren't sure where this journey will lead us, but we hope you will come along for the ride!

Me with the twins.
Hattie &  Harper - Born Feb. 13, 2011

Wrenn Elizabeth - Born Aug. 3, 2011

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