
Monday, July 15, 2013

Fun Family Visits

Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Ours was jam packed starting on Wednesday (ok, so Wednesday isn't really the weekend, but when you are on maternity leave you can pretend that everyday is the weekend especially when you are having so much fun!)

Dan's parents, his sister Kim and her two sweet little boys, Gray and Cannon came to visit us from Kentucky on Wednesday. We had a nice low-key evening taking the babies for a walk around the neighborhood and chowing down on some pizza. Thursday morning we were up bright and early to head to the Lincoln Park Zoo. Wrenn and Gray loved it! Wrenn was super pumped about the monkeys and the polar bear. She loves these videos from our trip and asks for "ah-ahs" (what she calls monkeys) and "bear" every time she sees my phone now.

Before leaving the zoo, we decided to take Wrenn and Gray on the carousel. Dan and I thought for sure Wrenn would love it since she is a total daredevil and loves to spin in circles. WRONG...she hated it and cried almost the entire time it was moving. Gray on the other hand seemed to love it!

All smiles before the carousel started moving.
And hating it once it started moving.
Friday morning, we tried to get some photos of the all the babies together before Dan's family headed home, but it pretty much turned into crazy town.....
Notice how Gray is M.I.A.? He wasn't having it. And Wrenn is clearly over it. Ha! 
 Bubble Guppie trance
 Wrenn wanted to hold Gray's hand, but he said "no way, I'm outta here!"
Handsome little nuggets! 

Later Friday afternoon, my sister and Hattie arrived for the weekend. We headed out to the park so the girls could play before bedtime. Love these photos of Wrenn and Hattie!

Sleepy ride home

We took the girls and Parker for a walk Saturday morning, then it was off to the pool!
Look out pool, here we come! 

Parker caught some zzzs Saturday afternoon while the girls played together, drew pictures and worked on sharing.
This little guy loves to sleep!

After Ginger and Hattie headed home Sunday morning, Dan and I took Wrenn and Parker to a small petting zoo in the neighborhood. Wrenn made a beeline for the chicken and then waved to the pig saying "hi, pig, hi" about a million times. Parker slept through it all :) 

Hi pig! 

It was a crazy fun "weekend"!

Lots of Love,

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July from the Other Twister

I just love this holiday.  We spent ours going to a parade and snapping some pop-its. It was a rainy day so a lot of our planned activities including making smore's and watching fireworks got cancelled, but we still had a great day!  My favorite part was snapping these cute pics of the twins playing outside. 

What did you do to celebrate? 

Lots of love,


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

Hope everyone had a happy 4th of July! We spent the day at the park, grilled out and watched fireworks from our back deck on our new lounge chairs. It was a great day! 

Lots of love,
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