
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Our Annual - It's been too long post

Well if you follow our blog you have come to realize that we aren't so great at posting on the regular.  We go through our kicks then drop off the face of the earth for a few months.  BUT the good news is we ALWAYS return!  Hi!

So since we haven't posted since March we have lots of news to share with you!

First, little big guy Parker celebrated his first birthday! I know I can't believe he is one either.  It was a fun birthday party with the family.  Hattie, Harper, Mimi, Poppel, Great Aunt Cheryl, Great Grandma and I all made the trip to Chicago to celebrate with him.  Jess did a wonderful job with the decorations and food for his camping themed party.  For fun pics of the party check me out on Instagram: handhmom or search for #campparker #happybirthdaybigguy

Second, are you listening because this is pretty huge...Joey and I are expecting baby #3 this December and it's a boy!! YAY!  I'm 20 weeks now and am finally starting to feel a bit more like myself.  We are thrilled and scared and nervous and all those other things that come along with expecting a new baby.  There is still so much to do to get ready including finding this baby a name, any and all suggestions are welcomed.

Third, I accepted a new role at my company (a promotion!).  I've been transitioning over from my old role for the past month and am now officially 100% in my new role.  So far it's been exciting to learn new things and to get back into more direct marketing.

Fourth, Wrennie pooh can spell her name, knows her alphabet, can count to 20 (or more!), can count backwards, and she isn't even three...well yet.  Her birthday is this Sunday!  Hard to believe she will be three.  They really do grow up way too fast.

Fifth, Hattie & Harper are growing like weeds and are hardly what I would call toddlers anymore!  They are super excited to have a new baby in the house and often times talk to my tummy saying "Hi baby! and I love you baby" it's the sweetest thing.  Hattie is beyond bossy and independent and Harper absorbs everything you say and teach him.

Lots more to share with you all soon.  Looking forward to reconnecting.  We've missed you!

Lots of love,

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