
Monday, February 6, 2012

Insanity Made Me Cry

I've never been the kind of person who loves working out. The kind that gets a rush from running three miles or uses the gym to burn off steam. Its always been a constant battle to get off the couch and get my rump in gear. So you can see why when I found out I was pregnant with the twins I thought woo whoo a 40 week get-off-the-hook-free excuse not to work out. Well, here it is just a few days before the twins turn one and I still haven't started working out again. I decided to change that starting tonight. So I popped in the first disk of Insanity (not the fit test, I already knew what those results would be - YOU ARE OUT OF SHAPE - FAIL!) but the first disc day 1. I couldn't breathe after the warm up and I started crying around 30 mins in. Yes tears streaming down my face. I think partly because I was frustrated by how out of shape I am and partly because I thought I might actually die from working out! I had to take a lot of breaks but I didn't give up, ok once or twice I might have laid on the floor gasping for air, but I made it through the whole disc. And even though it made me cry, I think I'm going to do disc 2 tomorrow....I hope I don't cry this time.

If you aren't familiar with the INSANITY workout DVDs you can check them out at


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