
Saturday, February 25, 2012

We had a Whaley Good Time

I cannot believe that the twins just turned 1! It's been almost 2 weeks now, I really can't believe it. This is a late post, but a working mom of twins = zero time.  As I've gotten older, I have noticed how time seems to start speeding up, so this phenomon of time speeding by is nothing new to me.  Now that I have children it seems to go by at rocket speed and it makes me sad to think that my little babies are no longer considered babies, but toddlers.  At the same time, I'm delighted to watch their personalities and little features developing.  I was also very excited to throw them their 1st Birthday Party!

We did a Whale theme for their first birthday party.  I chose the theme based off the cute little onesies they wore on both their 1 month birthday and at their 1st birthday party. 
Astrological - Sign Bodysuits

The twins had a great party with lots of family and friends to help them celebrate. 
Here are few pictures from the big day. 

Party Decor (all homemade)
Smash Cakes!  I got the cute whale toppers on etsy from seller LCcakes.  Click here to get the printable birthday signs. 
Cupcakes for the guest - made from box mix decorated with the toppers from Etsy.
Hattie chillin' in her new hat from Great Grandma Mary.
I made their tray banners with just scrapbook paper and ribbon. 
I made the hats as well.  Click here for instructions and template.

Only picture we got of Harper in his hat - he just wasn't feeling it :)
It's my party and I'll look sad if I want to :)
Off comes the hat!
Such neat children - they never really smashed their smash cakes.

The birthday girl!
The birthday boy!
 We had a WHALEY good time!


Thursday, February 23, 2012


We are a family of nicknames. It's been that way pretty much from the beginning. Early in our relationship, my husband and I started calling each other "Bub". It started as a joke and then just sort of stuck. Over time, Bub turned into Bub-u-la, Bubbie, Bubster and so on. We even have "Bub" engraved on the inside of our wedding bands. It's actually rare if we ever call each other by our real names. The same goes for the pets. Whisper (our cat) has become Bombers, Bomberkins, Little Bacon and LB. Lucy (our dog) has become Lulu, Lulu-Bears and Bearsies. With nicknames being such an important part of our family, it's been fun to see what nicknames have started for Wrenn. So far, she is Flying Lizzie, Wrennster, Wrennie, Bug and Buggie. I can't wait to see which one sticks!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Flying the friendly skies

Wrenn and I are jet-setting to Columbus this weekend for Hattie and Harper's 1st birthday party! We're looking forward to seeing lots of family and friends and celebrating the twins' big day. It will be the Buggie's first flight and our first trip without dad. I'm a little bit nervous about navigating the airport alone, but we got this! Here's to a fun-filled, adventurous weekend!


Monday, February 6, 2012

Insanity Made Me Cry

I've never been the kind of person who loves working out. The kind that gets a rush from running three miles or uses the gym to burn off steam. Its always been a constant battle to get off the couch and get my rump in gear. So you can see why when I found out I was pregnant with the twins I thought woo whoo a 40 week get-off-the-hook-free excuse not to work out. Well, here it is just a few days before the twins turn one and I still haven't started working out again. I decided to change that starting tonight. So I popped in the first disk of Insanity (not the fit test, I already knew what those results would be - YOU ARE OUT OF SHAPE - FAIL!) but the first disc day 1. I couldn't breathe after the warm up and I started crying around 30 mins in. Yes tears streaming down my face. I think partly because I was frustrated by how out of shape I am and partly because I thought I might actually die from working out! I had to take a lot of breaks but I didn't give up, ok once or twice I might have laid on the floor gasping for air, but I made it through the whole disc. And even though it made me cry, I think I'm going to do disc 2 tomorrow....I hope I don't cry this time.

If you aren't familiar with the INSANITY workout DVDs you can check them out at


Friday, February 3, 2012

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