
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Try it out Tuesday - Marshmallow S'more Pops

My team at work has started "Treat Fridays" where one person is assigned to bring in treats for everyone one Friday.  For my treat day I decided to do s'more chocolate dipped marshmallow pops. I got the idea from another co-worker who made them and said they were incredibly easy. 

1 bag of marshmallows (the large size)
1 bag of milk chocolate chips
Graham crackers (or other topping finely chopped. I used Heath bits of brickle that I had in my cabinet)
Lollipop sticks or paper straws (I used paper straws)

1. Melt 1/2 the bag of chocolate chips in the microwave. Start with a minute and stir.  The chips won't look melted but once you start stirring the heat from the center starts to melt them.  If they aren't fully melted pop in the microwave for 20-30 secs longer.
2. Meanwhile, crumble the graham crackers in a food processor or blender.  Blend until very finely crumbled.
3. Take one marshmallow and one stick or straw.  If you are using paper straws cut them in half.
4. Roll the marshmallow in the chocolate covering all sides. You can also dip the top of the marshmallows, but I like chocolate so I wanted more chocolate on mine.
5. Roll the chocolate covered marshmallow in the crumbled graham crackers. 
6. Place on wax paper
7. Repeat until you have made the desired amount of marshmallows
8. Share and enjoy!

My verdict:  A bit time consuming, but a very yummy snack great for adults and kids. 
My team's verdict: Lots of compliments and members taking home extras for their kids.

Lots of love,

Monday, November 25, 2013

Hanging with Hattie is SnOw Fun!

Over the weekend Hattie and I had a girls day.  We met friends for lunch then headed to the busiest place on Earth - the American Girl store.  Hattie loves looking at the dolls and wants a "new baby" for Christmas.  It was fun watching her face light up looking at all the doll babies and hearing her sweet voice ask sweetly "Can I just hold this baby doll please mama" It was a fun afternoon, made even more fun with the snow that started falling as we arrived back home. Hattie loved it and wanted to build a snowman! It felt like winter had arrived and for the first time in years, I wasn't bummed out by it because winter and snow is such a wonder to kids it's hard not to enjoy it with them.


 Lots of love,

Monday, November 4, 2013

Be Thankful

Be thankful.  Two simple words, yet so many of us, including myself, struggle with the concept.  The desire for more seems to consume my life at all times.  My inbox is filled with marketing emails from my favorite stores urging my desires on and too often I succumb. Too often do I think to myself if only I had this, or this or this then I would be happier.  Rarely do I sit back and count my blessings and realize that I already have too much of this, and this, and this.  But what I don't have enough of is gratitude; gratitude for all of His blessings; gratitude for my loving family; gratitude for food on the table; gratitude for just being able to enjoy this crazy thing called life.  

As I sat and watched the tv show Celebrity House Hunting I came to realize that even when someone seemingly has it all, they still want more. I found myself asking "when is enough enough?"  The answer I came up with is simple.  Enough is enough when we count our blessings and stop to be thankful.

The month of November begins the holiday season that reminds us to give thanks, to be kind, and to love one another.  This year my wish for my family, friends, and all of mankind is to learn to be thankful for not only the things that The Lord has blessed us with, but also for the things we don't receive so that we may open our hearts to accept the plan He has for each of us.  

I leave you with a quote and a simple moderation prayer to say in times when our wants start to outweigh our thanks.

If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you, it will be enough.
– Meister Eckhart

Moderation Prayer
Bless me with the gift of moderation, ability to see clearly when enough is enough, willingness to take only what I need, use only what I must, live on Earth in awareness of my actions' impact. Bless me with a moderate spirit that does not waste.  Bless me with easy acceptance of this way of being.  Amen.

Share your joy with us, what makes you thankful?

Lots of love,

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